Friday, February 6, 2015

Which body of water are you?

Happy February 2015 to all readers!

A mentor told me years ago, “you can’t out give the giver.”  I’m a firm believer in the scripture that says “give it shall be given unto you”. Now, most of think of financial giving, but it can also be giving of your time, your knowledge, your information or your wisdom (whatever that wisdom may be). The more you give, the more that comes back in return. In a certain scripture, it says “some will come back one hundred fold, and some one hundred times over” -- that’s what this business is all about.

To illustrate this, I use an analogy of the region in the middle East that contains the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee, specifically the analogies of water. The Dead Sea is a very large body of water, its very salty (similar to the great salt lake in Utah). It is so salty, that very little to no life can grow.  It’s size is shrinking so much that it’s said if you want to see it, you had better do so in the next few years because it is shrinking and getting smaller and smaller each and every year. It won’t be long before the Dead Sea will evaporate and be gone altogether.

When you contrast that to the Sea of Galilee, it is almost the exact opposite. It is thriving, flourishing with life (botanical life and marine life). It has beautiful beaches and a gorgeous body of water. The thing about it is this, and people may not realize -- the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are actually fed from the same source…the River Jordan!

So you have to ask yourself a question.  If two bodies of water are being fed from the same source why is it that one is flourishing and the other is dying?  Here’s the difference: The Dead Sea does not give one ounce of water that it is fed into it from the River Jordan yet the Sea of Galilee gives out one hundred percent of its water.  Literally, every single ounce that comes from the top goes out to the bottom.  It is a constant “wellspring” of life that is circulating throughout the Sea of Galilee.

Contrast that to the business world.  A company can have two Distributors/Employees/Sales people/etc, both of which have the same start date, same potential prospect base, same resources, the same product and yet one is successful and the other is not.  Why is it that one body is flourishing (creating life in the form of new Customers) and the other one isn’t.   In other words, think of an organizational structure as a body of water.  If that body of water is like the Dead Sea and doesn’t flow the life source out to the body of water below it, then it dies.   On the contrary is the organization that takes every drop that is fed into it and feeds it out to another.  This means taking the training, the information, the events, the seminars, the coaching, the calls, literally everything coming from above and teaching it into the organization.  100% taken down. 

That’s the challenge I have for you - take a look at your organization.  How much of the information coming from above is being spilled out down below?

If you want to create the duplication adopt this mantra, what counts is not “not what’s right or wrong but its what’s EXACT.”

This is something a mentor of mine years ago taught me. It’s not your way, it’s not my way, its the system’s way. So often we join an organization we want to create success.  The challenge for most people is that they don’t take down 100% of the information coming from the top of the company.  In other words, they’re not the Sea of Galilee -- they’re not taking down one hundred percent of what's being trained down onto them. They may take down a portion of it, but what we don’t realize is this: anything that’s less than 100% of what’s being taken down throughout your organization is guaranteed to ultimately lead to failure …even 99 percent creates what’s called “negative duplication”.
Your followers will do what they see you do, not what they hear you say!

With that being said, I’ve got to warn you: Be very careful who you follow.  Pick a champion.  Pick a winner.  A person with integrity.  Be aware who you take your coaching from.  Find a leader who is where you want to be and take 100% of their coaching! 

Helen Keller said, “the only thing worst than being blind , is having vision with no vision.”

My wish, my challenge and my prayer for you is that you continue working toward your dream of success in your life... Every. Single. Day.

Hear you then and in the meantime, may you create many “Sea of Galilee’s in your own organization!
