Monday, June 14, 2010

The leader is the releaser

Hi Leaders,

Its been a little while since I've written on the diet due to a busy schedule but I'm excited to be with you today.

One of my favorite books is "the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership tested by time" by James Garlow. When reading from it this morning, a statement jumped out at me, "as a leader, release". WOW! The second I read that statement, it hit me what Garlow is trying to say. His point is outstandingly insightful. The leader is the releaser. The releaser of talent, potential, power, influence and much more. As a matter of fact, leaders are like a bird handler releasing an eagle, they release those in their organizations to fly. The question becomes do we release them to fly like an eagle...or flop like a turkey? I constantly ask myself this question. Am I releasing my team to excel, or am I putting the lid on their heads to hold them down? This question is a tough but important one. The best way to determine which is the case, is simply to look at the results. Are the leaders on your team excelling? Are they spreading their wings and taking flight? Are they having fun? Is there genuine excitement in their voice or trepidation in their steps?

Sometimes the feedback can be hard to swallow, I know it has been for me at times, but if we're honestly willing to face the mirror the truth will look us in the eye.

I constantly look at the leaders in my organization and I ask, are they soaring? Thankfully I can answer that question with a resounding YES! But it hasn't always been the case. Today I look around at leaders like Mark Smithart, Bill Luznicky, Dallas Baldry, Keith Frein and others and I can see them flying off the runway and letting all of their potential out. What they've accomplished is remarkable, but I know its just the beginning. As a leader, its a sight to behold. I've always said its much more rewarding to see success passed on in the lives of others, than it is to achieve it for yourself.

Remember this today as you endeavor to lead your organization, whether you're a high powered leader, or just the head of your family, you are the releaser.

Go for it BIG!!!
Stevie W.

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